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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Choice

1. What is the "choice" referred to in the title?
  • I believe that the choice is whether the parents have to force their little girl to drink " the poison" or if she will drink it on her own without her parents shoving it down her throat. 
2. Is it a real choice?  Why/why not?  What is the alternative?

  • Yeah, i believe it is a real choice. its painful enough for the parents to have to see their little five year old daughter suffer and the fact that they have to force her to drink something that is helping her in one way but killing her in another, that's hard. They might feel a little better knowing that they don't have to hold her down and force it in her mouth. 
3. Why does the author use the word poison in the first line?
  • I believe that they used poison because yeah, its helping their daughter kill the bad cells, BUT its also attacking the good cells that she needs to grow. I find that the word poison described the medication very well, i don't know it just made sense to me. 
4. The author's daughter wants to play with a toy that is intended for older kids.  Why?  Do you agree with her?  

  • She felt like she needed to play with the toy because she won't live to be eight years old. It makes sense, if you know you won't make it past a certain time you want to try and experience things before you run out of time. 
5. If you thought you might not live to the age of 30 what would you want to do right now?
  • I would want to travel and do community work. I would go to the homeless shelter and help. i would play basketball, hang out with loved ones and enjoy the things I love. i would sit down and enjoy a nice book. I would Ride my bike along the beach and then go swimming. I would go bungi jumping and try new and spontaneous things. i would enjoy life. 
6. Under what circumstances does it make sense to endure discomfort--or even force it on a loved one-- in service to a greater/more important cause?

7. Is suffering a necessary condition of life and love?

  • I feel like everyone must suffer a little so they can appreciate what they have. Or maybe place themselves in a situation of someone who has suffered and that way we wont take the things that we do have for granted.
8. Most readers don't share the author's circumstances, but we feel an emotional response to his words.  Why?

  • I teared up a little, i wont deny it. I got emotional because no one deserves to suffer through something as terrible as cancer but the fact that its happening to a five year old. Five year olds should just have fun, they shouldn't have to worry whether they'll make it to age eight. Life is something that most of us take for granted when in reality we should appreciate life more because it is a beautiful thing even when times are rough.  

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