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Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Is there a difference between life after high school and life in high school? Maybe ? To be honest, i feel like most people are just doing whatever they can to get by. Yeah, there are those people that really are motivated to be the best that they can be but a lot of them just give up. 
I dont feel like people "magically transform", i feel like we know that its time to grow up and get our act together. some are going to get a job right after high school, some going to a four year, and some community college, well they all involve responsibility and maturity and i feel like we know that for the most part. We goof around and do childish things in high school because we know we wont be able to get away with things like that afterwards.Those who have the mindset that they want to be successful will accomplish it and those who just don't care, well we'll see what happens with those kids. As for myself, I don't know what i want to do exactly. I do know that i want to make myself and those who believe in me proud and prove those who doubted me wrong.
The possibilities are endless, you can literally do anything you want of you really set your mind to it.

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