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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Vocab choices #1

* yes these are all words that we know , but how does the definition relate to my launch ? i wanted to use them in a way i knew for sure would be the right way and this is what i came to. Be patient, its all baby steps.


  1. Foundation- the basis or ground of work
    The foundation was started in the thoughts of one day making a big difference 
  2. Organization- association
    The non profit organization focused on children.
  3. Donation-contribution
    Her donation was greatly appreciated because not only did she donate her money but also her time.
  4. Community service- unpaid work for the community
    her community service consisted of working on the public garden during her free time.
  5. Charity- foundation or institution
    the charity needed all the donations they could get.
  6. Volunteer- offering yourself for a service or undertaking
    she decided to be a volunteer at the hospital during her free time.
  7. Sacrifice- something surrendered or devoted
    In order to do community service she had to sacrifice hanging out with her friends.
  8. civic- of or pertaining to citizenship
  9. Guidance- learning, direction, advice, counseling
    His guidance meant a lot to her because he is a professional in her field of interest
  10. assistance- help, aid, support
    her assistance in these times of need are greatly appreciated
  11. Generosity- liberality in giving - largeness or fullness
    Her generosity was greatly appreciated
  12. nonprofit- not established for the purpose of making a profit
    the nonprofit organization was very focused on the children. 

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