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Thursday, September 19, 2013


1. In a post to your course blog entitled FREEDOM OF CHOICE, explain the pros and cons of being responsible for your own decision-making.  What opportunities does this present?  How can it make things easier, and how can it make them harder?  Ultimately, what do you prefer-- making choices or having them made for you?  Why?

Making your own decisions means growing up. you're on your own now. You have no one to blame for your mistakes or for the bad decisions but yourself. On the bright side, your experiencing new things and if you make a mistake you can learn from it and help others when they might be in a  similar situation. When you make your own decisions you're in control . That's all there is to it. success or failure, that s in your hands and in your control. No one else. It makes things easier in the sense that you don't have to explain the reasoning for your actions to someone makes it harder if you have no experience because then you won't know what the right choice is, and that could back fire. In situations like that you just have to learn from your mistake and be prepared for next time. I think its best to make your own decisions rather than having some one else make them for you because no one knows whats best for you, except for you! 

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