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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Dear Steve

Reading his speech was inspiring. He basically tells his story from being adopted to being fired from a company which he started, and finally to success. Yet, I feel like his story was rare? If I were to drop out of school , I doubt I would end up being as successful as he is, and I say "is" because although he has passed away Apple is still very successful. Dropping out of college was a risky move, we can all agree on that, but his case turned out to be success! I just don't know how to explain this but the point is that his success was something that i doubt will happen again for a long time if ever again.
Steve Jobs had this love for Apple, and he talks about finding what you truly love. Now, how many people can truly say that they love what they do? I actually don't know many people who love what they do. Actually, i don't know many people who are actually that dedicated to something. If you find that you love doing something, go for it! But, why spend so much time finding something that you love and not have much time left to do it? ( Not sure if that makes sense, it did in my head) For those of you who have found a passion and love doing something; Congratulations! Hope you never loose that passion! And for the rest of us; Keep looking! You're good at something , make it a passion !
Steve Job's last story on death was also powerful. His mentality of looking in the mirror every morning and asking himself if what he did was so meaningful, he knew it was or else he would do things differently. I don't think i would be able to do that because in reality , I DON'T know what I'm living for. But, anyways, Job's tells his audience that you must live your life like you really are going to die that day. The way Job's states it really has meaning . If you have a mentality similar to his you can't use it to do dumb and stupid things, but use it for life changing experiences and to better yourself.

Stay hungry. Stay foolish.

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